5 Tips for Creating Content When You’re Stuck

Okay, I have to admit that when I first starting drafting this I Googled “creating content” and found an article titled, “21 Ways to Create Compelling Content When You Don’t Have a Clue." The first tip, “Steal content and ideas. If you’re flat-out exhausted and out of ideas, then get them from...

Student Lead Motivation

November 2 marked the first night of the University of Nevada, Reno Extended Studies 4-week class, “Google is Your New Business Card: Building a Valuable Personal Brand,” that I was invited to co-teach. The goal was to equip the participants with the knowledge, tools and resources to begin to develop...

Network Connections

Recently I’ve been working on building a better LinkedIn profile, inviting contacts I’ve worked with and joining several groups that inspire discussion related to work topics I’d like to learn more about. It’s been an interesting process deciding who to connect with, as I debate whether I know someone in the...