Monthly Archives - December 2016

We say it every year…

“How is it December already? Wasn’t it just 2016?” Although the year went by fast, we have a lot to be grateful for. We’re especially blessed to have wonderful clients and partners we call friends. As we extend our holiday wishes to you and yours, we invite you join us for...

Traditionally Untraditional

  Years ago around this time of year, I met my husband in one of those “love-at-first-sight” situations. Yes, the full story is as cheesy as it sounds. That first Christmas was full of tree decorating, spiked eggnog and my now-husband pretending to like the classic holiday tunes on repeat. As...

I Still Believe

I was 8 years old when a boy at school told me there was no such thing as Santa. I was devastated. How could he do that? Thinking back on it, I had known for a while. We all know, don’t we? But it’s the power of believing that’s at...

The Tradition of Holiday Traditions

Christmas has always been my favorite time of year. The lights, the music, the sweets… it all adds up to that particular Christmas cheer that only comes around once a year. There’s a tangible mood around the holidays that you just can’t help but feel. Growing up, my family wasn’t big...