Gaining Perspective
Each year the chapters of the Public Relations Society of America call for submissions in their annual awards programs, locally called the Silver Spike Awards. It’s an opportunity for PR pros to submit their top work over the past year to be judged by their peers and, hopefully, rewarded for their hard work.
This is my second year of judging entries and my first as the Sierra Nevada chapter’s judging chair. Our chapter has agreed to judge dozens of entries from the Oklahoma City chapter and it’s been a lot of work, from coordinating judging times and securing judges to organizing entries and collecting the completed judging forms. But at the same time I’ve found it to be truly interesting. Often we get so entrenched in our own projects and clients that we don’t see what’s going on elsewhere. And in my case, we don’t necessarily recognize the skills we have until we compare them to others’.
This year’s judging has turned out to be an opportunity to learn about some new tactical tools and ideas for client service and also recognize that what we do for our clients is truly above and beyond.