Mayor Wars, Who’s the Real Winner

Mayor Wars, Who’s the Real Winner

Looks like the heat is on in New York for a hotly contested race. No, not for Senator or Governor. It is for Mayor but maybe not the mayor your thinking of. It’s the Mayor of Chipotle Mexican Grill between 2nd and 3rd Ave. on Foursquare. The rivalry is big…just watch the video and you’ll see. Even more interesting, it’s a battle between two Foursquare employees.

My question is, who’s getting more play.  The “candidates” or Chipotle? Right now the candidates are but there’s a huge opportunity for Chipotle. If they haven’t already got a plan in place to take advantage of this opportunity, they’re missing the boat. One idea, awarding someone for ousting a Mayor. There’s a PR opportunity there to be taken advantage of. Looking forward to seeing who the real winner is in this race and as the battle for Foursquare Mayorships continue…is your business ready?

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